About Us

This mission was started by the GOD’s call, and was blessed to bring REVIVAL in the city of Guntur to lead many unto the narrowest path of Jesus.

Sunday Mixture – It is a youth gathering (Revival Culture) in the evening introduced to the freedom in Christ with the Spirit where there are mixture of extravaganza’s.

Prayer Shore / gnash – held on Wednesday and Saturday

Friday soup – Youth volunteered meet, concentrating on prayer and the levels of intimacy, where the young are helped to seek the face of GOD.

Jonathan Edward

To be updated – His story remains an encouragement to many that God still is in the business of working miracles and vividly demonstrates the kind of Jesus who not only confines himself in scriptures of the Bible but leaps out of scriptures in the form of extraordinary exploits and miracle

His story remains an encouragement to many that God still is in the business of working miracles and vividly demonstrates the kind of Jesus who not only confines himself in scriptures of the Bible but leaps out of scriptures in the form of extraordinary exploits and miracle

Prophet Judson

Prophet Judson was born into a Christian family. At the age of 12 while he was sitting in a crusade – He had a vision in which He saw Jesus. From that very early age, He started seeking the face of God. Again at the age of 17, He had a supernatural encounter with God which propelled Him into ministry. He has unusual passion to teach the scriptures and to demonstrate the power of God so that many will be established in Christ.

                     Amos 3:7 For the Lord GOD does nothing without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets.

His story remains an encouragement to many that God still is in the business of working miracles and vividly demonstrates the kind of Jesus who not only confines himself in scriptures of the Bible but leaps out of scriptures in the form of extraordinary exploits and miracles.